Hospital Recovery

More than ever before, patients are discharged from the hospital before they should be. The patients might not even be emotionally or mentally ready for the recovery process at home. Zenith is there to help with this recovery process after a major illness or surgery and help them NOT return to the hospital. They can focus on recovery and getting back on track in the community.

How about the stress factors when your loved one returns home? Lack of food after an extended stay in the hospital. The home might be in disarray. Bills backlogged and not paid and possibly utilities cut off. Any one of these issues, let alone multiple issues, can cause stress. You and other family members may only have limited time to assist due to work.

Your loved one may also not understand what is an acceptable physical change during recovery and which physical changes are not…and when to consult with a physician. Zenith can help with all of this. We are here to help improve the quality of life for people of all ages and all levels. Whether it’s light housekeeping services or arranging for more in-depth cleaning. Meal preparation, laundry and grocery shopping are also tasks we can help with. Talking with you and your loved ones about paying bills or other stress factors. And evaluating which new physical issues need to be addressed with a physician.